Thursday, September 3, 2009

Back to Blogging...I hope.

We should all have friends that challenge us. Someone who, while they love us for who we are today, know that we can in fact rule the world and push us to be thinking about our plans for world domination. Okay, maybe not world domination, but personal improvement... is that a little less dramatic?
Laura is that friend of mine. The girl just oozes ambition. And it drives me nuts. I wish that I had a tenth of her drive. At times I mock that she has a fear of boredom. But she also has an amazingly full and accomplished life.
She works full time at a job she enjoys.
She pursues her passion for music by teaching voice and engaging in musical theater.
She is in leadership in the church.
She camps, she coupons, she saves, she has two blogs, she writes and she runs marathons.
And she does all these things while going to grad school.

I am lucky if i make it to work on time and if I had clean clothes to wear there.
Sure I have dreams. I am falling in love with Occupational Therapy this semester.
I am excited to learn what avenues are available in that field. Ryan and I want to go to Europe.
I want to successfully grow a plant for 12 months.

Right now I am exhausted between school kicking my butt all week and apartment hunting most of the afternoon...But, Laura is launching a new blog and I was feeling a little small in comparison. Its sad and pathetic I know. But still...
Can you be proud of your friends and jealous of their success at the same time? I dont envy Laura anything. She earns all she gets and she gives as much as she can sometimes more. Perhaps jealousy is not the right emotion. Perhaps its shame. Perhaps its that Im 29 and still living at home for all intents and purposes. Perhaps I should not be ashamed of this, many of my generation are in the same boat. Just not so many of my peers.
Then again. Perhaps im just tired.


Rebekah Judd said...

I'm thinking I'd like to grow a plant for a month without killing it!! Yay for OT - what a cool career. Hope all is well!!

Laura2sing said...

You have lost your mind. I can't hard boil an egg.

Alicia says she is going to start a blog about my faults to balance your blog out. You are throwing off the cosmos.

But thank you.

Take Me Back to VA said...

I would love to read Alicia's blog. If it was solely about your faults, it probably would gain a huge following since very few of us know what they truely are. But that might get repetitive and seem evil of her. =)
I think the cosmos will recover since I rarely praise you gushingly outright.